
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Expert Interview with Sanaz Sadeghian
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Sanaz Sadeghian MSc., PMP, PMI-SP, is a young professional in project management. She is the president of the Project Management Club at Boston University (BUS-PMC) and has published articles in scheduling and planning. She has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and more than four years of experience in Oil&Gas and construction industries. Sanaz has also focused on consulting and researching and she is a teaching assistant at the graduate level at the MET Department of Boston University. She has been recognized for her excellent cross-functional knowledge, leadership, and communication.
Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanaz-sadeghian-msc-pmi-sp-pmp-33757785/

Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Expert Interview with Dr. Michael O'Connor
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Dr. Michael O'Connor, Ph.D., MSPM, MSTM, MBA, has over 27 years of professional experience in the Medical Device Industry. He is the Director of Strategy and Project Management with Medtronic, Plc, and his corporate experience
also includes 3M and Pfizer. Michael is an Adjunct Faculty Member teaching at the Graduate level Project Management, Project Capstone, Procurement, Culture / Organizational course(s). In 2012, he was selected as an American Society for Quality (ASQ), Quality Fellow, and in 2014 selected as a Medtronic, Technical Fellow. Michael also writes for PM World 360 about leadership and quality.
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgoconnor/

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Expert Interview with Ken Boyd - Cost Accounting
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Ken Boyd writes blogs, articles, whitepapers, and provides video content. He is the Co-Founder of Accountinged.com, and owns St. Louis Test Preparation (accountingaccidentally.com). Ken is the author of Cost Accounting for Dummies, Accounting All-In-One for Dummies, The CPA Exam for Dummies and
1,001 Accounting Questions for Dummies. As a former CPA, Auditor, Tax Preparer and College Professor, Boyd brings a wealth of business experience to educating an audience

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
3 Sure Fire Tactics To Align Culture With Strategy
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
According to Forbes magazine, “65% of organizations have an agreed-upon strategy but only 14% of employees understand it, and less than 10% of all organizations successfully execute it.”

Friday Jan 19, 2018
Expert Interview with Stuart Easton - Strategic Alignment
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Today we are speaking with Stuart Easton he is the CEO of TransparentChoice and is a veteran of the software space. His back ground includes stints working on reporting and data analytics and he is passionate about improving business outcomes for his customers. Stuart lives in the UK and enjoys hiking, mountain biking and playing with his kids. This recording will be our 3rd discussion, and we have a lot to chat about, so let gets started.
Strategically aligned projects are:
- 57% more likely to achieve business goals
- 50% more likely to finish on time
- 45% more likely to finish on budget

Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Expert interview with Rich Maltzman
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Today we are speaking with Rich Maltzman, PMP, co-author of several books on Project Management, including the Cleland Award-winning Green Project Management, and most recently, Bridging the PM Competency Gap, co-written with Loredana Abramo, PMP. The two co-authors offer assistance in PM competence building via their consultancy Continuous Learning Environment (CLE Advisors).
Loredana Abramo, PMP® Worked 25+ years, in 4 continents Deployment lead engineer, operations and services readiness manager, PMO deputy director, senior quality PgM
Website link
Twitter: @CLE_Advisors
Book: Bridging the Project Management Competency Gap
Bio for Rich Maltzman, PMP
Rich Maltzman, PMP, has been an engineer since 1978 and a project management supervisor since 1988, including a two-year assignment in the Netherlands in which he built a team of PMs overseeing deployments of telecom networks in Europe and the Middle East. His project work has been diverse, including projects such as the successful deployment of the entire video and telecom infrastructure for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, and the 2006 integration of the program management offices (PMOs) of two large merging corporations. As a second, but intertwined career, Rich has also focused on consulting and teaching, having developed curricula and/or taught at:
- Boston University
- Merrimack College
- Northern Essex Community College
- University of Massachusetts– Boston
- Clark University
- Benedictine University’s Asia Institute (Shenyang University of Technology)
Rich has also professionally developed project management professional (PMP®) exam prep courseware, including exams and books. He even edited and was "the voice" for a set of eight audio CDs—a major part of a PMP prep course for an international company, for whom he has also facilitated PMP exam study groups. Rich was selected for the modeling team for the fourth edition of the PMBOK® Guide published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and contributed to the chapters on quality and risk in both the 4th and 5th Edition, and provided input for the 6th Edition as well.
Rich has written and presented papers at international conferences of PMI and IPMA (International Project Management Association), and the Conference Board in South Africa, The Netherlands, Costa Rica, and Mexico City and at PMI Congresses in North America. He also presented, on request of the Government of Malaysia, at their Green Technology conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2013.
Rich’s educational background includes a BSEE from the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, and an MSIE from Purdue University. In addition, Rich has a mini-MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and a master’s certificate in international business management granted jointly from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and INSEAD of France. Rich received his PMP in 2000 and was certified by Change Catalysts as a CQ Certified Change Management Professional in 2015.
Rich has co-authored two other books – Green Project Management (CRC Press, ©2010, Cleland Award Winner) with David Shirley, PMP, and Project Workflow Management with Dan Epstein, in 2014. A new book, Driving Sustainability Success in Projects, Programs and Portfolios, published in October 2015 by CRC Press. J. Ross will be publishing another book, co-authored by Rich and with Loredana Abramo, PMP in late 2016, Bridging the PM Competency Gap.
Rich blogs regularly at earthpm.com and at “People, Planet, Profits, and Projects”, in the “Perspectives” section of projectsatwork.com, a PMI web site.
Bio for Loredana Abramo, PMP
Loredana has twenty five years of experience in deploying telecommunication networks for international projects, with roles such as lead engineer and technical deputy, business operations manager, and Project Managers competency development leader for emerging technologies (IMS, LTE). On her last Customer-facing assignment, she was the Deputy Director of the PMO for a major telecom project in Australia. She has worked and lived on assignment in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and has presented at several PMI, IEEE and IPMA global events in North America, Australia, Malaysia, Italy. Loredana has translated Peter Taylor’s The Lazy Project Manager into Italian, (Infinite Ideas, Italian edition © 2013)
Loredana has a Master’s in Electrical Engineering, and is board certified as a Professional Engineer in Italy, as well as a PMP®. Loredana has a Convergence Technologies Professional accreditation from Telecommunications Industry Association, and a Certificate in Advanced Project Management from De Paul University. Loredana is a Member of PMI, and a Senior Member at IEEE. She is currently based in Naperville, IL, USA.

Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Expert Interview with Dr. Ginger Levin, PMP, PgMP, OPM3 Certified
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Dr. Ginger Levin is an Author, Senior Consultant and Educator in project management.
Specialize in the areas of portfolio management, program management, the PMO, mentoring, metrics, change management, and maturity assessments. She is a certified PgMP and PMP as well as an OPM3 Certified Professional. She also has a book series with Taylor and Francis, a subsidiary of Auerbach.
Dr. Levin provides training in program management, the PgMP, the PfMP, portfolio management, change management, and knowledge management and am a keynote speaker at conferences throughout the world.
For information about my on line PgMP and PfMP boot camps, please see:
For information on my PgMP, PfMP, and PMP books please see: Amazon, the PMI bookstore, or www.crcpress.com
Finally Dr. Levin is the Adjunct Professor for the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in its MSPM Program and for the SKEMA Business School in Lille, France in its doctoral program in project management.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Expert Interview with Kailash Upadhyay
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Today we are speaking with Kailash Upadhyay, (MBA, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, MCP (EPM), MCT, CPISI, CSM, CSP, ITIL) founding director Addon Skills. Addon Skills is focused toward providing professional training and consulting services to its customer across the globe. Mr. Kailash Upadhyay is among very few professionals who acquired Project, Program and Portfolio management certification from differennt certfication bodies.

Friday Jun 16, 2017
Is Uber on a Collision Course?
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Uber is now known just as much for its scandals as it
is for its cheap rides. Why do things continue to go
terribly wrong at the San Francisco ride-sharing
company whose CEO was just caught on camera in a heated
argument over money with one of his drivers? Gerald
Leonard, a Washington, D.C.-based consultant on
corporate culture, says you don’t have to be a fan or
critic of Uber to learn from its mistakes; these
include an aggressive and unrestrained culture where
harassment and phobias were ignored. Leonard says the
company lacks the vision and values to put its
employees and customers first that would have prompted
management to openly address its problems at the first
sign of trouble. As more customers continue to delete
their Uber accounts, Leonard can share the three
unifying principles that are hallmarks of great company
culture and why so many companies fail the test. He is
the author of “Culture is the Bass: 7 Principles for
Developing a Culture That Works.”

Friday Dec 16, 2016
Expert Interview with Alana M. Hill, PMP
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Today we are speaking with Alana Hill. Alana is the principal consultant and CEO of 2Hill Consulting Services where she has provided PM consulting, coaching and training for the past decade.
Alana M. Hill, PMP is a passionate speaker, author, trainer, and mentor. Her experience as an engineer and certified Project Management Professional (PMP) in upstream oil and gas provides a real‐world insight into how people and teams can excel. She has been recognized for her excellent communication, leadership, and team‐building skills. Her international, cross‐functional business knowledge shapes her perspective of developing talent. Ms. Hill holds a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University and has 20 years of leading successful projects.
As a speaker, she conveys a message of compassion and resilience that inspires leaders, and as a trainer she is fun, engaging, and thorough. She combines PM methodologies with DISC personality assessments to help people and teams excel even in the face of adversity.
She is the author of Love is a Catalyst, where she shares her family’s trials and triumphs over cancer. When she is not traveling the globe, you will find her running and serving in her church and community.
Solutions and Training to Maximize Your Business.
Book Alana to speak at your next event